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Sandy attended the 9th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 17-21, 2006, entitled "Buddhist Women in a Global Multicultural Community." Sandy’s article about this important conference, “Daughters of the Buddha, Rising Up,” analyzes the changes happening for women in world Buddhism. It appeared in the Summer 2007 issue of Turning Wheel magazine.

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Women are slowly, determinedly, effecting a major shift in Asian Buddhism as they organize and push for full ordination of nuns. This movement is reflected in and supported by Sakyadhita, International Association of Buddhist Women, in the worldwide conferences it holds every two years. Full ordination of women in Buddhism is not just an internal move to right a wrong perpetrated over centuries on religious women, but it reaches out to affect the lives of all women in society.

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Sau Seng Lum Exhibition Center, home of the conference



Interior Great Hall, Sau Seng Lum Exhibition Center



The panel, chaired by Sandy, on “Translating the Dharma: Buddhism, Multiculturalism, and Language”



Christie Yu-ling Chang and Karma Lekshe Tsomo (center) with Tibetan, Chinese and Korean nuns



Earthlyn Manuel (San Francisco Zen Center), Dhammajanini Jnanasuri (Friends of the Western Buddhist Order), Simbwala Schultz (SFZC), Karunamaya (FWBO), Sandy, Mavis Fenn from Canada, Wendy Lewis (SFZC)



Note white-robed Maechees (Maechee Kritsana to left)



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